Posted in Santha Johnson

Malayalam: Engane Daivamakkal Aakam

Mankind knows intuitively that they are away from their creator and that they need to return to Him as His children. This booklet answers this question. How can one become a child of God. Download, read, and pass on to…

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Posted in Santha Johnson

Malayalam Tract: Smiling In Face Of Pain

Everyone smiles in the face of blessings. Joy brings more joy. However, for a child of God even crisis and pain is an occasion for joy and smiles. Please read full details in this Malayalam Tract. Download

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Posted in Santha Johnson

Jeevapusthakathil (Malayalam Ebook)

It is essential for every person to have his/her name in the Book of Life. Here is a booklet that explains the subject in great detail. Please read and be blessed and also please do pass on to others. Download

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Posted in Santha Johnson

Malayalam: Vishwasa Jeevitha Veethi

Faith is the foundation of the Christian life. This is a bit difficult for the average person to understand because the whole world is given to “Work-merit” instead of the biblical “Faith-grace” system. Here is a booklet that explains this…

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Posted in Santha Johnson

God Loves Us (150 Devotions)

Devotions play a significant role in the lives of Christians. Busy Christians often fine concisely written devotions a great help to remain in touch with spiritual thoughts. Here is a second volume of devotions written by the author. The first…

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Posted in .Brief Bio

Johnson C. Philip (Brief Biography)

This Brief Biog Dr. Johnson C. Philip is a Christian apologist. He was born 1954-04-03 in Kerala, India, and raised in Kerala, Chennai, Kota (Rajasthan) and Gwalior. Philip developed an interest in books, science and evolution in particular. However, as…

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Posted in Santha Johnson

God Is With Us: 365 Devotions

God is with us contains 365 devotions for your spiritual enrichment. The devotions are brief and even the most busy person can enjoy them. Most devotions contain illustrations to make them live. Each devotion contains a suggested Bible Reading at…

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Posted in Santha Johnson

A True Friend

A True Friend (Malayalam Tract) has been authored by Mrs. Santha Johnson who writes on a wide range of subjects, including biographies, Bible stories, women’s themes, and topics of great interest to Christian sisters. This tract explains the concept of…

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