Picture: Shot in 1990 in their home in USA
I cannot ever forget Elsie Baby and Baby Mathews. Among them, Elsie is more widely known among the Brethren because of her extensive writing ministries.
I had known from the time I was in school. She worked in Madhya Pradesh, the state where I was brought up. Once she came to Gwalior, my hometown, for professional activities. She had a kind of charisma that touched me right then, but I personally experienced what she and her husband were when I stayed with them.
In 1990 I went to the US on a one-year scholarship to study Advanced Counseling. I had some free time and many believers invited me to stay with them. I accepted only few of those invitations based upon whether staying with a family would help me to minister to young people in their assembly.
When the invitation came from Elsie Ammamma, I readily accepted it because I knew that their house is always open to young people and that many would be able to visit me and ask for help.
I stayed with them for more than two weeks, and I had plenty of visitors who said they were blessed by my ministry. However, the most important part of that stay was that it blessed me beyond belief [To Continue …]
in place that it will be a fully linked diaitgl book for use in Logos Bible Software. In another place it refers to it as a diaitgl work. So it seems it will be diaitgl only. This is disappoint to hear, for not all of us prefer electronic books. If they are going to take the time to translate this work, they should make it available in print.