They say that all great ventures are fraught with danger – danger to people who lead it. Was RTI going to be one of them? Practically all preparations were over by May 2002. The desire of the Steering Committee was to have the inauguration on 2nd June 2002.
Pic: Students who were able to make to to Thrissur on the day of inauguration
Many of my close family members, friends, and assembly members asked me to be extra cautious. They said that RTI is going to be such a great institution that Satan is bound to attack me, my fellow workers, and the Steering Committee members. Rightly so, I got a very bad burn on my face and chest when boiling coolant from my car spilled on me. My eyes escaped due to my fast reaction.
Pic: Dr. Silas Nair, Inauguration Program
Two days after that, Saneesh and I almost fell in a 30 feet ditch. Saneesh was driving, it was close pitch dark, and we were returning from RTI after giving some final touches to things before inauguration. Only his sharp reflexes prevented us from falling into the ditch. Through my eyes which escaped blinding and through the car which stopped inches before the 30-feet ditch the Lord reminded us once again that He was in control, though he would allow us to pass through difficult situations.
Pic: Prof PP Skariah, Inauguration Program
By May end we interviewed a large number of students and offered admission to the best among them. So great was the desire to join the new institution that the number of applicants exceeded the seats available. They were all to join on the day of inauguration.
Pic: MM Zacharia, Inauguration Program
The Zion Assembly at Nellikunnu (Trichur) had graciously allowed RTI to have the inaugural program in its campus. People from all over started arriving from early morning, and many of them joined worship at the Zion assembly.
Zion Assembly has a very spacious assembly-hall and everyone thought that it would suffice for the inauguration. By the time the Inauguration was to start, there was only standing-room in the hall. A few minutes into inauguration, scores of people had to stand outside and witness the program through open windows. God had filled their hearts with great expectation. Great was the task before RTI.
Pic: Dr. Saneesh Cherian with Dr. Varghese P Sam (USA), a Visiting Faculty member
Many brothers and sisters from Zion Assembly, nearby assemblies, from the assemblies of students, families of students, all listened in rapt attention as the program proceeded. The expectation in their hearts was so visible it could be touched.
After Dr. Saneesh gave them instructions for the next day, the girls went to Rehoboth compound and the boys to the building which was going to be our “home” in Trisshur for a long time. Classes started next morning in the largest room in the ground floor. There was barely sufficient space for class, but it did not seem to bother anyone – so absorbed were the students and teachers to their call.
Pic: Exhausted after the evening sports! Batch I
Right from day one we emphasized the need for spiritual as well physical well-being, if the child of God is to be fit for ministry. Thus private devotions plus devotional talk by the visiting faculty were a regular feature. Equally regular was the time given to sports and games.
Pic: With their warden, just before going for sports. Batch I
Within the first week it became clear that we had a great batch of students and that they would soon become a mighty force for God.
As I said before, greatness does not happen automatically. One has to work for it. It was obvious within the first week that we had a batch that was willing to work towards a high goal. It was also obvious that RTI was also poised to rise to great heights. [To Continue…]
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Dear Sir,
My name is Soju Benjamin and I am residing near Kakkanad, cochin.
I have seen some f your debates are really liked those.
I have been very much interested in the topic of christian apologetics.
I had a question regarding some Bible translations .
i have been following KJV bible. I have heard some KJV onlyist advocates say that KJV only is the preserved word of God and most of the new trasalations like NIV follow an alaxandrian Greek version which is a perverted one.
Some of the important verses like 1 John 5:7 is missing in NIV.
But all these studies have resulted in myself doubting the Word of God.
I am now thinking that there is no perfect English transalations of Bible and only the Original Hebrew & Greek version of the Bible.
Can you please help me to come out of the above scenario.
Also can you please help to learn Koine Greek in a easy manner and also tell me where can I buy the Original Greek New testament.
Once Again I thank God Almighty for all the Wisdom given by him to You and May God strengthen you more and more in your ministry.