God’s work, done in God’s ways, and in God’s time does not lack divine resources. We have been experiencing this at every step in the progress of work towards the launch of RTI.
Pic: The initial library of around 1000 Volumes
Once the question of housing was answered by the Lord, there arose the question of library. A good theological library is a must in any Bible College that wishes to impart quality education. Since RTI started with no endowment of its own, it was not possible at that time to spend hundreds of thousands of rupees to acquire a library.
My family agreed that since we were in possession of a good personal library, that we needed to take the first step to create a library for RTI. As a result, I immediately offered a donation of around 1000 volumes of books from our personal collection and the Steering Committee thankfully accepted this offer. That became the initial corpus of books in the RTI library.
Pic: Our personal collection of reference books made available to RTI students
Once RTI started to function, Dr. Saneesh and I moved most of our essential books also into the RTI campus with the understanding that our personal collection shall remain ours and that RTI students are free to use them as long as both of us were teaching there. This added to the access which the students had to theological books and journals.
Pic: The present library with 55,000+ books
Today the library has in excess of 55,000 books. This is a concrete testimony to God’s provision and also to the great care and vision with which RTI was nurtured by people who succeeded me and Dr. Saneesh.
By now the Secretary had sent news to all major assembly publications more than once and people everywhere came to know that a new institution would be launched soon. There was great excitement in the air all over because by now people realized that by virtue of its setup RTI was going to be an institution different from everything else. Applications started pouring in and personal phone-calls also started coming in. Through phone-calls, letters, and emails people started sending message of encouragement.
Pic: Enjoying the reference section of the RTI library in 2010
Many in the assemblies wanted to see a Bible College of our own where girls can study the Bible in a formal manner. There was no facility till now and RTI was going to open a door to them by admitting girls. In retrospect that was one of the best decisions that the Steering Committee had made and every batch of RTI gets a large number of women applicants. In fact by the second year the number of girls who wanted to study was so high that the second batch was made a girls-alone batch.
We were moving on the path of establishing a great institution – academically, spiritually, and qualitatively. Great institution do not happen by themselves. They grow into greatness when people with spiritual vision and commitment plant them and nurture them every day of its life for many long years. Fortunately, RTI is such an institution.
Pic: The Founder Principal and Founder Dean with MP Godly, one of the Trustees of Rehoboth, in October 2010 Missions Conference at RTI Campus
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