RTI: The Unforgettable Memories Of A Great Institution — 001

In 2001 I was invited by the sisters at Trichur to speak in the annual Sisters Camp held at the premises of the Zion assembly at Nellikunnu. The camp turned out to be a great blessing in more than one way. There I lived with brother Timmy Adams and family, enjoying an unusually good fellowship. I felt as though I were in my own home. Many sisters came and told me that my ministry touched them deeply, and finally some of them asked me if I can give my outlines to them.

I always carry detailed outlines in printed format, and I handed over a 100-page long bound volume to them. It contained the outlines of around half a dozen classes plus a lot of supporting material, and they were all very happy and said they expect to see me often in Trichur. That turned out to be a prophetic invitation.

Brother VM John, evangelist based at Trichur, met me twice during this camp and told me that some believers in that town had been praying for something special for several years and they felt that I was the right person for a series of consultations on that subject.

VMJohn_15January2002 VM John, who originally invited me as a consultant for the new ministry.
MissTreasure_15Jan202 Miss PN Treasure, In-charge of the Rehoboth Girls’ Orphanage
JamesWilliams_15January2002 James Williams, Ex-Kuwait, and elder at the Zion Assembly Nellikunnu
CJMathai_15January2002 CJ Mathai, Evangelist and elder at Chelakkotukara assembly


MP Godly, a beloved brother and Elder at Zion assembly

I was serving as the Principal of the Brethren Bible Institute, based at Pathanamthitta, at that time. Thus these people wanted me to give them detailed directions and advises to start a Theological Institute which they wanted to start at Trichur. This was their prayer for many years and they felt that the time was ripe in 2001 to give it a concrete form. VM Johh gave me only a hint and asked me to give them a time for them to visit my house in Ernakulam. I offered, instead, to visit them at Trichur because that would be better than several people traveling to Ernakulam.  The first meeting was schedules immediately after the camp was over and on reaching the house of brother James Williams and found five people: VM John, James Williams, MP Godly, CJ Mathai, and Miss PN Treasure.

They told me that for years they had been praying to know God’s will about starting a Theological Institute at Rehoboth. Rehoboth by that time was a century-old orphanage, started by the great missionary V. Nagal. Miss Treasurer had been managing it for the last four decades. She said that “in 1995 a resolution was passed by the Rehoboth Girls’ Orphanage trust to begin a Bible School in the RGO compound. Later, some godly brethren (VM John, James Williams, CJ Mathai) approached Miss Treasure and shared their burden to have a Bible School in Rehoboth. “ These brethren, brother MP Godly, and Miss Treasurer then prayed over the matter for many years, and felt the leading of the Lord that perhaps now was the time to launch it.

Since none of them had any substantial background in running a college level Bible Institute, they felt that I was the right consultant for them in these matters. As soon as they shared their vision, I encouraged them to go ahead with the ministry. From that time I started paying them a visit on a periodical basis, and each and every aspect of a potential Theological Institute was discussed in this meetings.

Though the initial discussions started with probing the possibility, things started moving into the realm of concrete as the discussions progressed. Almost everything needed for a new institution was there – the vision, the space, faculty, and students. What is more, Miss Treasure wanted to admit girls into the program (a co-educational institution). I was in favour because for decades I had been seeing the problems faced by evangelists who have married women who have no idea of the Bible or the mission field. Just the other day only one of the BBI graduates had asked me if I have any book that explains what “ministry” is because his newly married wife had no idea of what Christian ministry is and that it was making life very difficult for him.


Pic: A portion of the orphanage building complex, shot on 15 January 2002 as Miss Treasure took me around for an introductory tour of the orphanage complex

Eventually a name emerged, Rehoboth Theological Institute, and it was prayerfully decided to launch it in 2002. It was also decided that RTI will function inside the campus of Rehoboth Girl’s Orphanage Trust. Once things came to that level, I wanted to know more about the Girl’s Orphanage.


2 thoughts on “RTI: The Unforgettable Memories Of A Great Institution — 001

  1. Dear Johnson Uncle,
    Its really nice to read about RTI. Will keep this in my daily prayer. May our good Lord give you the strength and wisdom to carry on this blessed ministry in the days to come.

  2. Dear Mercy, thanks for your very kind comment. Yes, RTI is surely an institution that should be in our regular prayers.

    Dr. Saneesh and I left it after we established and handed it over to Rehoboth, and the spiritual/academic patten we established continues. If it goes this way, it would surely become the Cambridge of Indian seminaries one day.

    with love — Johnson uncle

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